me i'm steven.

La belleza es tu cabeza.
(the beauty is your mind.)

find me:
youtube: here
old blog: here




The Food Channel is way too good at inspiring me to take risks cooking.
Some random chef made it seem like making poached eggs was a piece of cake!
"Just add three tablespoons of vinegar to water that's just below boiling...
...then swirl the water around like a whirlpool...
...then drop your egg into the water, just like so...
...and VOILA! ---a beautifully poached egg!"

yeah, no.

I still don't know how you're supposed to know when it's done.
I just get so anxious!
I'll poke it with a fork...
Or swirl the water around some more in hopes that the movement will help it along...
But then I'm scared it'll fall apart.

Some say that poaching eggs is an art.
They can say whatever they want.
I'll have mine scrambled.


Went to the library and picked up some new books!
I'm really excited about one of them, because it's a book of poems about people discovering their sexuality.
Bend Don't Shatter: Poets on the Beginning of Desire
Check it out!


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