me i'm steven.

La belleza es tu cabeza.
(the beauty is your mind.)

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Liv, Steph, and I went to the DC101 Chili Cookoff!
Historically, the event began as a Chili Festival where people competed to earn the title of DC's best chili. Over the years, however, big bands began to upstage the chili itself, and now,it's more of a music festival with chili on the side. I guess people like music more than they like greasy, cheesy, artery-clogging, (not to mention toilet-clogging) deliciousness? I made sure that I stayed dehydrated so that I could avoid using the port-o-potties. With all of those people there, I don't even want to imagine...

Bands that we saw:
Cage the Elephant
Alice in Chains
Stone Temple Pilots

Apart from being kicked in the face, punched, and trampled in the moshpit, I really enjoyed Chilifest. Too bad it started raining. By the end of it, Steph and I were so cold from the rain, we were holding each other for warmth.

There was a girl who was crowdsurfing.
Brunette. Skinny. Pretty.
And somehow I got stuck bearing all of her weight.
And well, I'm kind of scrawny..
And I was doing my best to carry her, but I couldn't, so I ended up dropping her.
Right in the middle of...
Er... I don't really know the technical term for it...
But I call it the "punching circle,"
Y'know... those circles that form in the middle of moshpits where "macho" guys often with a lot of tattoos and muscles, ram into one another and punch each other for no apparent reason, save sadism.
I dropped her in the middle of one of those, accidentally.
Yes, accidentally.
(Even though I think crowdsurfers are rude, I would never purposefully throw someone in the middle of a "punching circle.")
So I dropped her, and she had no time to figure out where she was before...
... she got tackled to the ground.
And punched.
I felt bad.
But it was her own damn fault.


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